DWB01 Welcome to the SpicyVerse
[00:00:00] Hi, and welcome to the very first episode of Divergent Wisdom Broadcast. My name is Dr. Sarah Sibson and I am so excited to have you here. This has been a very long time coming. And I have been surprised by how hard it was to press record considering I have been [00:01:00] dreaming about creating this for quite a while now. So I thank you for staying with me as I figure out how this all works and ride this rollercoaster of being on video and all the technology stuff that comes with that.
And hopefully by the end of this first episode together, I will have found my feet and you can see where we're headed. So, I wanted to share a bit about myself to get started. So you know Who your host is and a little bit about myself, for understanding of my perspective. And my lived experience as a neurodivergent human, which is the thing that [00:02:00] prompted all of this and, um, the expansion that has come from it.
I am
finding it hard to know where to start.
It can get so convoluted, as I'm sure you understand. When you
have a concept of what life is and where you're headed and discover that that's not at all what the plans were when it comes to the universe and the, um, immense and unimaginable tapestry that you are a teeny tiny part of. So, I will start where all of the big changes happened. I
doing the expected things. And went to uni and [00:03:00] pursued my career that I thought I always wanted in medicine. And I got to a stage in my training as a um, obstetrics and gynecology registrar, and discovered that that was really not a good fit for me. I have a huge heart, which needed to be completely shielded and shut off in order to be able to do that job.
it is not a good way for anyone to experience their work life, especially when you have such important decisions to make and people to care for. And that was a turning point for me, was realizing that.
Where I thought I'd been headed for a very long time was completely not the thing. So I moved into general practice, which [00:04:00] was a much better fit for me. And I trained as a specialty general practitioner. And I've worked in that field for quite awhile. And have
had some amazing experiences and have been very, very fortunate with the people I've worked with and the people that have seen me and trusted me. And allowed me to care for them. So, in no way was my shift away from general practice and medicine anything to do with the humans, it was everything to do with the systems and the structures that are not built for
helping humans and providing actual health care. So I -
as is often the way- I needed to be forced into making a decision. And the universe [00:05:00] really, uh, hit me with a two by four about that in the midst of
the tail end of the global pandemic, that you can imagine was pretty crazy to work through.
And I found myself in a wonderful environment in a multidisciplinary clinic, with a bunch of other passionate, smart, fun, kind people working in women's health, which I adored. And I was still very much not in the right place. And I don't know if any of you feel that way or have felt that way, but it can be very disorienting. And unless you are given [00:06:00] the opportunity that you need to realize that change is the solution, uh sometimes you just stay there. And I totally get it because change is scary and hard. But it also is the only certainty in life as far as I can tell. So. My
body decided to tell me that it was time to move on. I had been working as a surgical assistant and
I could no longer do that job. I couldn't do a whole bunch of aspects of my clinic work. Um, all due to a physical limitation that seemingly came out of nowhere, but.
it was obviously my system telling me what I intellectually already knew, really. [00:07:00] I definitely knew deep down. Which was I needed to be doing something completely different. Which is how we've ended up here. So. I officially have stepped away from my clinical work in medicine and set out on my own. Doing my own thing. Being my own boss. She's kind of a task master sometimes. And apparently sets aggressive deadlines -who knew. And I have discovered that
the things that you do to keep going. And surviving. Are the very things that get in the way of being yourself.
And as the mug just off camera says, um,
You can't be anyone but yourself. Everyone else is taken. [00:08:00] So,
the turning point for me to be finally able to start understanding who I truly was was about a month before I turned 37 when I realized that I was neurodivergent. And
that understanding unlocked a whole other
view of what my life could be like.
And why it had unfolded the way it had up until that point. I think that is the real blessing of
finally understanding all of that- is
the gift of being able to start forgiving yourself.
Who is likely to be your own worst critic when you're neurodivergent and particularly when you don't recognize it. [00:09:00] And to start moving forward and reclaiming parts of me that I hadn't ever valued or understood or
allowed to be part of my identity.
I feel like the
opportunity to embrace my difference as far as how my brain works and how I view the world from that perspective, also gave me the pass, in a way, too start re-examining so many things that I've experienced over my life that
you just call mystical. And if you are a scientist, working in medicine, surrounded by other left brain-focused, rigid rules and evidence-based people, then you just ignore it. Because it makes you feel like you're nuts. [00:10:00] So the
invitation to change and be bigger and be more myself in my view of the world and also my experience of it then gave me the chance to start exploring those elements of my life as well. Which have been
the most transformative and healing parts of
processing a life where I didn't understand myself and no one else understood me. And also creating a sense of community and connection with other people who are also just trying to figure out this life thing. And being really open and raw and honest about their experience of it, including all of the stuff that doesn't fit into boxes, which is exactly what I love. And [00:11:00] embracing and celebrating now because boxes are fucking boring guys. So why do we keep doing this to ourselves? I would really really love for anyone listening who feels challenged by this discussion of spirituality and things unseen and "unprovable" I'll put in quotes because we are now starting to do so much more in the ways that we look at science and investigating consciousness and our understanding of things that our really tiny human minds just don't get. But,
I will just invite you to have an open mind and see where these discussions lead us. Because the willingness to consider different viewpoints is something that I feel we have lost [00:12:00] in our Western society, and probably in many other parts of our world. And the benefit of hearing other people's experience and perspectives and ways they have interpreted their inputs and ideas are
world changing for you. Because you don't necessarily have to agree with absolutely everything that someone else believes as truth. You just get to sample, and consider, and amend, and adjust, and change, and grow. And take away the parts that make sense for you. Which is what this whole thing is about here on Divergent Wisdom Broadcast, moving forward.
I hope that you can embrace the uncertainty and [00:13:00] lean into where we're headed.
have taken a little circuitous path to get to where I am now, but I'm very, very happy that it's all happened on this side of it. Change not only is hard, but can be pretty confronting and pretty
painful. And joyful. And rewarding. And surprising. And
And all sorts of other
wonderful things.
So if you found your way here and are still listening, I suspect that some of this will resonate with you and sound familiar, or you'll want it to sound familiar. So I am very glad that you have joined me on this rambling explanation of where this has all come from. [00:14:00] And I
welcome you to consider how
change is trying to show up for you.
a multitude of ways that you might notice the invitation to do something different. And this is a great opportunity for you to dip your toe in, and give it a go. And you might not be ready to completely commit to anything like that just yet, but I hope you will continue to join me as I talk to you and all of the wonderful cosmic family that will hopefully create a welcoming community in the comments, and
our interactions, and you will bloom into the idea of that change soon.
[00:15:00] So,
the flavor of all of what's coming is I feel a little bit-
I don't know- I don't want to say
unique because I definitely have enjoyed and been bolstered by other conversations like these ones that I will be having with my guests. But the siloed approach to science and the siloed approach to spirituality have been very well entrenched for so long that I feel like it's going to be a little bit confronting for some people to consider the fact that there are more and more examples of these two worldviews really being different ways to look at the same thing. So, I look forward to sharing all of these wonderful concepts, and people, and [00:16:00] discussions, and evidence of change in our collective understanding of things. And I can't wait to dive into everything with you. So. I think that's where we're going to wrap things up for today. I am so glad that you have joined me and can't wait to see where this all goes. I will see ya on the next one. And I want to send you all the love and stardust in the meantime. [00:17:00]